About Us
Introduction :
Worldview Shippping & Logistics pvt Ltd is one of the leading Logistics Service providers with more than 09 years of presence in India The key to our position at the pinnacle of the industry lies in our experience, expertise and global reach.
We offer a broad services including Air freight, Ocean Freight, Custom Clearance, Custom Clearances, Transportation , Warehousing management & Project Movements.
Being a solutions-based organization, we optimize all activities around information, material and financial flow.
With Highly dedicated and hardworking team We are committed to cater to the client needs and help them achieve high performance through Logistics mastery.
We understand the dynamic nature of the logistics industry; therefore, we are flexible in providing customized solution as per the client business needs. We take time to understand each customer's individual business needs and we provide globally integrated end-to-end solutions tailored to our customers'. We deliver highly flexible services through partnerships with leading carriers, as well as easy visibility and monitoring of freight movements. With proven end-to-end expertise and dedicated industry specialists.
We fully understands what drives the various sectors, anticipating their respective logistics requirements. With our world-wide network of associates, we can provide you the most cost effective solutions which few in the industry can match. The company constantly strives to exceed and excel customer's logistics targets by using our core strength in service delivery and cost effectiveness, setting new standards unmatched by competition in India.

Who we Are
We at worldview believe - quality, service, reliability, competitive price and convenience are four pillars of freight forwarding.
To ascertain and maintaining customer's confidence in our services, prime objective of our establishment is to focus not only on committed service levels but also on cost- effectiveness.
With this focus worldview has become the most preferred forwarder from many renowned companies in today's evolutionary business scenario and is successfully catering to its working partners in Delhi is customized solutions.
First we understand our clients business and then we design complete solutions to suit their worldwide shipping needs.
This is achieved by our trained and experienced professionals who are dedicated towards their respective fields of
Our Vision
"To be the most Reliable, Trusted and Preferred resource partner, by the entire logistics value chain, providing Cost Effective, Innovative and Best-Fit solutions for customers,
"To provide complete end to end solutions for Imports & Exports Logistics by rendering a single step solutions to our customers."
With a long experience of 09 years, we promise to offer efficient and trustworthy international freight forwarding services to our valuable clients.
To be the most reliable and trusted service provider, by adhering to commitments with endeavor for zero defective, on-time delivery and standing by customers, in their dire need too
To provide the excellent service to our global customers, meeting and exceeding their global supply chain needs through unparalleled commitment on quality in our systems and people thereby achieving superior returns to all stakeholders.
Adopt appropriate business processes integrating IT to achieve and maintain highest level of cost effectiveness and time efficiencies, enabling flexibility and responsiveness to dynamic customer needs
To work alongside our customer as part of their team, in providing them complete logistics solutions, sharing a common growth story, and jointly innovating to constantly raise the bar of excellence.
To emerge as a platform for all those involved in logistic value chain so as to collaborate and co-operate for synergy and bringing impetus in the logistic space
To be a responsible corporate citizen contributing towards society, protecting environment, adhering to safety and health of people